ICIPCE 2018 was successfully held in Shanghai, China during July 27-29, 2018!
Papers of ICIPCE2018 were published by MATEC Web of Conferences Volume 214 (Read More)
ICIPCE 2018 Conference Proceedings - Cover
Papers of ICIPCE2018 are indexed by Ei Compendex!
Prof. Makoto Iwasaki (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) was delivering the keynote speech
Prof. Dan Zhang (York University, Canada) was delivering the keynote speech
Prof. WEIDONG Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) was delivering the keynote speech
Prof. Juntao Fei (Hohai University, China) was delivering the keynote speech
Prof. Ghassan Beydoun (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) was delivering the keynote speech
Session I's BP-Renfeng Xue | Session I Group Photo | Session II's BP-Yuanyuan Li | Session II Group Photo |